Comunitatea ta de sport

Program-suport pentru tineri

Discuții inspiraționale
Virgil Stanescu este unul dintre numele confiscate frumos de intamplarile baschetului. Biografia sa de jucator este aproape completa si ii confirma corect statura
Dan Dumitrescujurnalist 
Virgil is an excellent former professional basket player with a great career. But what is really impressive is the managerial career that followed. He is a great professional with excellent managerial competencies, good analytical skills, and great enthusiasm.
Cristian NacuSenior Country Officer at ICF 
Virgil Stanescu is, undoubtedly, one of Romania's greatest athletes, but also, perhaps a less known fact, one of the best communicators and connectors around. He is an inspired and inspiring leader and people manager, able to draw on his experiences as a sports team leader in order to build and consolidate projects, products and teams.
Raluca MichailovOwner at BP Publishing Media 
In addition to being an acclaimed basketball player and an established well known presence in sports, Virgil dedicates time on how to help organizations and communities to grow their potential in terms of leadership, reaching objectives, results and performance.
Miruna SenciucCEO at BNP Paribas Personal Finance 
I met Virgil socially just ahead the start of his tenure at the CEO Club. Then we interacted on matters of content. It was always fascinating to hear his thoughts on the future of leadership, sports management and professional sports, most importantly on people. It was clear that beyond aspirations there is always a “how”. All these coming from a strong purpose, help people to create a sustainable life, help communities to evolve.
Sergiu Cristian ManeaCEO, Banca Comercială Română